It's 1:40 am. I can't put my day into words. It's like there was hardly any emotion. I felt nothing when I woke up. I felt nothing when I blasted my iHome while I cleaned. And when I went out with K, it was good fun. While driving, I forced laughs. I forced smiles. Nothing was authentic. And I think the only time I truly laughed was when we got back to my house. And I won't even say the shit we did. But it was funny. She left a few minutes ago. Now, I'm home alone. It's dark. And this is when the thoughts come rushing back to me.
This is truly the worst time of the day. I hate it so much. I have nothing to fill my head. No nonsense to distract me. The quietness kills me.
My dad's coming home tomorrow, and my mom- on Tuesday. And it's going to be a hellish week full of crying and loud music. Back to the yelling. Back to the ignoring. Back to the silence. Back to locking myself away in my room. Back to being dragged out of my house by my friends. Back to all the bad. Basically, back to the pain.
I've said this before, but I feel like I can't get better until I get out of here. I live in a toxic environment. I just need to escape.
K and I have a plan. I'll get my license, we'll get jobs, we'll go to the gym together, and we'll find an apartment together. It'll be a blast. I'll have freedom. For once in my life, I'll be able to breathe.
I just want to cry tonight but I won't let myself. This is my last night without my parents here. I'm going to try and end this night on a happy note.
It's hard to let go. I know it's the first step I have to take. But it's just hard for me to say goodbye to everything I'm used to. I don't like "new". I like "old". My past was so innocent and I think that's why I want it back so badly. The friends I used to have still "exist" on my bedroom walls. I can't throw the birthday cards and photos away. I just hate change. It fucking freaks me out. I'm a creature of habit. I can't help it. I would LOVE to hold on to everything. I would love to be a kid again, when this kind of pain didn't exist.
Another part of this is that people move on. Without me. And it sucks. I just want to be like "Take me with you, please." It's a sad situation and it makes me cry. I don't want to be left behind. I can't do this on my own. Do I sound like a child? Yes, I'll admit it. But can you blame me? So many people have walked out on me. That's why I find it hard to trust. I'm very pessimistic when it comes to this. I assume you'll be gone in a few months. Because Gisela and Mona are both gone. L is gone. My sister is gone. People just leave and I know it's part of life, but it sucks. It just sucks and it hurts too.
This is going to take time. Everything takes time. And I need to find the strength within myself to be patient. Pain takes time. Healing takes time. I have hope. As each day passes, I have more and more hope. And that is what's getting me through this.